Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2024-2025 Catalog

Process Control Technician I (PC61) Certificate

Campus Availability and Advisement:

Program Description:

The Process Control Technician certificate program offers instruction in the theory and practical application of motor and variable speed controls, industrial PLCs, and industrial fluid power systems. Completion of the program is profitable for entry-level employment or for upgrading technical skills.

Entrance Date:

Beginning of any semester

Entrance Requirements:

Age: Minimum of 16 years of age

Assessment Results: Applicants must achieve minimum scores in reading, writing, and numeric skills on the entrance test. Applicants failing to attain minimum scores may receive refresher/remedial in­struction through the Learning Support program at GNTC in order to meet admission requirements. Previous training and/or education may be evaluated to provide advanced placement in the program.

Required Courses (15 Credit Hours)

IDSY 1120Basic Industrial PLCs


IDSY 1190Fluid Power Systems


IDSY 1195Pumps and Piping Systems


IDSY 1210Industrial Motor Controls II


Total Credit Hours: 15 Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation