Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2024-2025 Catalog

Avionics Technician (AT31) Certificate

Location and Advisement:

  • Catoosa County Campus Advisor: Jon Byrd

Program Description

A student successfully earning this certificate would be able to be employed in the industry as an "Avionics Technician" on the service/maintaining of aircraft side of aviation. They would have the skill set to understand the different avionic systems found on today's aircraft. They would have the basic understanding of how power and data are distributed on aircraft to and between different systems. They would also have the basic understanding on how to troubleshoot, wire, and integrate systems together on aircraft.

Required Courses (9 Credit Hours)

AVIO 2000Aircraft Navigation, Communication, and Avionic Systems


AVIO 2010Advance Aircraft Electricity


AVIO 2020Advance Aircraft Wiring and Troubleshooting


Total Credit Hours: 9 Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation