2023-2024 Catalog

Computer Forensics and Security Specialist (CF51) Certificate

Campus Availability and Advisement:

  • Catoosa, Floyd, Gordon, and Walker Campuses Advisor: Rocky Spurlock
  • This program is also available 100% online. For online advisement, contact any of the above.

Program Description:

Computer Forensics and Security Specialist certificate is designed to give students the knowledge they need to understand how to detect and prevent computer-related criminal activity and/or unauthorized use, including computer systems security.

Program Technical Requirements

1. All CIST programs require windows based PC.

2. Chromebooks and Mac and Linux based computers are not compatible with programs.

3. CIST 1510 and CIST 2531 require an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription.

Course Validity Duration

All CIST courses are valid for a period of 5 years after completion.

COMP 1000 is valid for a period of 5 years after completion.

Note: For the online version of CIST 2451, the lab final must be completed in person on campus or in person at other locations with an instructor approved proctor.

Required Courses

CIST 1001Computer Concepts


CIST 1122Hardware Installation and Maintenance


CIST xxxx
CIST Operating Systems Course


CIST 1601Information Security Fundamentals



CIST 1401Computer Networking Fundamentals



CIST 2451Introduction to Networks - CISCO



CIST 2601Implementing Operating Systems Security


CIST 2602Network Security


CIST 2612Computer Forensics


Total Credit Hours: 30 Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation