Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2021-2022 Catalog

Project SUCCESS Manufacturing Specialist (PS61) Certificate

Campus Availability and Advisement

(This Program Is Only Offered At Area High Schools For Dually Enrolled Students)

Program Description:

The Project SUCCESS Manufacturing Specialist Technical Certificate of Credit prepares high school students for entry level employment in a manufacturing environment. Topics include interpersonal relations and professional development, industry safety procedures, manufacturing workforce skills, and representative manufacturing skills.

Entrance Date:

Beginning of any semester

Education Requirement: High School diploma or GED® is not required to enter or graduate from the program.

Required Courses (10 Credit Hours)

EMPL 1000Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development


IDFC 1007Industrial Safety Procedures


AUMF 1540Manufacturing Workforce Skills


AUMF 1660Representative Manufacturing Skills


Total Credit Hours: 10 Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation