Programs of Study- Aviation and Industrial Technologies
Rapid advancements in the industrial technology fields make the need for current education and training essential. Georgia Northwestern Technical College (GNTC) Aviation and Industrial Technologies programs combine classroom study and practical training emphasizing skill development, related technical knowledge, and general education. GNTC offers a wide selection of degrees, diplomas, and certificates. These programs are offered on both a full-time and part-time basis, although part-time enrollment will require longer to complete. All programs are not offered on every college campus. As with all GNTC programs, students interested in Aviation and Industrial Technologies programs should consult specific program information in this catalog and call or visit the Admissions Office to discuss program admission requirements and entry dates. The following is a list of the Aviation and Industrial Technologies degrees, diplomas, and certificates that GNTC offers. GNTC reserves the right to cancel courses due to inadequate enrollment. The letters following the program names identify the campuses or location where the programs are taught: (A-Aviation Training Center, Floyd County; C-Catoosa County Campus; F-Floyd County Campus; G-Gordon County Campus; P-Polk County Campus; W-Walker County Campus; and WM-Whitfield Murray Campus).
Click on Program Names Below for Information and Curriculum
Associate of Applied Science Degree Programs
Applied Technical Management (AS33) - C, F, G, P, W, WM
Automation Engineering Technology (AET3) - WM
Automotive Technology (AT23) - F, W
Aviation Maintenance Technology (AM43) - A
Construction Management (CM13) - G
Drafting Technology (DT13) - W
Horticulture (EH13) - F
Industrial Systems Technology (IS13) - C, F, WM
Instrumentation and Controls Technician (IA13) - C, F
Precision Machining and Manufacturing (MT13) - F, WM
Technical Studies (TS23) - A, C, F, G, W, WM
Diploma Programs
Air Conditioning Technology (ACT2) - F, W
Auto Collision Repair (ACR2) - F
Automotive Fundamentals (AF12) - F, W
Automotive Technology (AT14) - F, W
Aviation Maintenance Technology (AM34) - A
CNC Technology (CT12) - F, WM
Construction Management (CM12) - G
Diesel Equipment Technology (DET4) - WM
Drafting Technology (DT12) - W
Electrical Control Systems (EC22) - F
Electrical Systems Technology (ES12) - G
Horticulture (EH12) - F
Industrial Systems Technology (IST4) - C, F, WM
Instrumentation and Controls Technician (IAC2) - C, F
Precision Machining and Manufacturing (MTT2) - F, WM
Welding and Joining Technology (WAJ2) - F, W, WM
Certificate Programs
Advanced PLC and HMI Technology II (AP31) - F
Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welder (OSM1) - F, W, WM
Air Conditioning Electrical Technician (ACK1) - F, W
Air Conditioning System Maintenance Technician (AZ21) - F, W
Air Conditioning Technician Assistant (AZ31) - F, W
Automotive Chassis Technician Specialist (ASG1) - F, W
Automotive Climate Control Technician (AH21) - F, W
Automotive Collision Mechanical\Electrical Helper (AH71) - F
Automotive Collision Repair Assistant I (AB51) - F
Auto Electrical/Electronic Systems Technician (AE41) - F, W
Automotive Engine Performance Technician (AE51) - F, W
Automotive Engine Repair Technician (AE61) - F, W
Automotive Refinishing Assistant I (ARA1) - F
Automotive Refinishing Assistant II (AP71) - F
Automotive Transmission/Transaxle Tech Specialist (AA71) - F, W
Aviation Maintenance Technician (AM24) - A
Aviation Maintenance Technician-Airframe (AMT1) - A
Aviation Maintenance Technician-Power Plant (AM61) - A
Basic Machinist (BM31) - F, WM
Basic Mechatronics Specialist (MS41) - C, F
Basic Shielded Metal ARC Welder (FS31) - F, W
CAD Operator Mechanical (CP61) - W
Chemical Laboratory Technician Assistant I (CL41) - WM
Chemical Process Control Technician Assistant I (CR71) - WM
Chemical Technology Laboratory Technician (CT51) - WM
CNC Specialist (CS51) - F, WM
Commercial Truck Driving (CT61) - W
Commercial Wiring (CW31) - G
Construction Management Apprentice (CM71) - G
Construction Manager (CM81) - G
Die Maintenance Technician (DMT1) - F
Diesel Engine Service Technician (DE21) - WM
Diesel Truck Maintenance Technician (DTM1) - WM
Drafter’s Assistant (DA31) - W
Electrical Contracting Technician (ECL1) - G
Electrical Maintenance Technician (EM81) - C, F, WM
Electrical Technician (ET51) - G
Engineering Technology Basics (EBT1) - WM
Environmental Horticulture Technician (EH11) - F
Flooring Production Operator (FPO1) - WM
Flooring Production Technician (FP51) - WM
Flux Cored ARC Welder (FC61) - F, W, WM
Gas Metal ARC Welder (GM31) - F, W, WM
Gas Tungsten ARC Welder (GTA1) - W, WM
Green Building Technician (GB11) - G
IEC Electrical Apprenticeship (IE11) - G
Industrial Electrical Controls (IE31) - G
Industrial Electrician (IE41) - C, F, WM
Industrial Fluid Power Technician (IF11) - C, F
Industrial Motor Control Technician (IM41) - C, F
Industrial Systems Fundamentals (IS61) - C, F
Instrumentation and Controls Technician I (IA31) - C, F
Instrumentation and Controls Technician II (IA41) - F
Landscape Specialist (LS11) - F
Lathe Operator (LP11) - F, WM
Lawn Maintenance Specialist (LM11) - F
Mechanical Maintenance Technician (MM31) - F
Mechatronics Specialist (AM11) - F
Mill Operator (MP11) - F, WM
Nursery/Greenhouse Technician (PPS1) - F
Photovoltaic Systems Installation and Repair Technician (PS11) - G
Pipe Shielded Metal ARC Welding (PS21) - F, W, WM
Process Control Technician I (PC61) - C
Programmable Control Technician I (PC81) - C, F, WM
Programmable Control Technician II (PC91) - C
Project SUCCESS Manufacturing Specialist (PS61) - P (This Program Is Only Offered At Area High Schools For Dually Enrolled Students)
Residential Wiring Technician (RW21) - G
Robotic Technician (RT41) - C, F
Vertical Shielded Metal Arc Welder Fabricator (VSM1) - F, W
Program lengths vary based on program type and number of hours taken each semester.
Occupational courses alone (excluding COMP 1000) take two-years to complete in the Aviation Maintenance Technology Degree and Diploma and Aviation Maintenance Technician Certificate majors.
Industrial Technology Program Accreditations
The Automotive Technology program is Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified.
The Aviation Maintenance Technology program (AVMT courses only) are regulated and certificated by the Federal Aviation Administration.