Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2021-2022 Catalog

Programmable Control Technician I (PC81) Certificate

Campus Availability and Adviesment:

Program Description:

Designed to offer specialized programmable controller training to qualified industrial technicians, this program consists of instruction selected for the Industrial Systems Technology diploma program. Course work addresses operational theory, systems terminology, and field wiring/installation. It also develops operational skills in the use of PLC equipment and peripheral devices with emphasis on programmable logic controller programming, installations, and troubleshooting/repair.

Entrance Date:

Fall Semester

Education Requirement: High School diploma or GED® is not required to enter or graduate from the program.

Required Courses (12 Credit Hours)

IDSY 1110Industrial Motor Controls I


IDSY 1120Basic Industrial PLCs


IDSY 1220Intermediate Industrial PLCs


Total Credit Hours: 12 Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation