Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2021-2022 Catalog

Environmental Horticulture Technician (EH11) Certificate

Campus Availability and Advisement:


Program Description

The Environmental Horticulture Technician technical certificate of credit prepares students to engage in the propagation, growing and marketing of plants for use in the home, business or the landscape greenhouse and nursery operations. The program provides a solid foundation of plant knowledge and nursery, garden center skills to equip students to work effectively in nurseries, retail garden centers, and entrepreneurial enterprises. The program emphasizes hands-on learning and most courses incorporate lab activities that apply knowledge and skills in realistic settings.

Required Courses (18 Credit Hours)

HORT 1000Horticulture Science


HORT 1050Nursery Production and Management


HORT 1070Landscape Installation


HORT 1080Pest Management


HORT 1310Irrigation and Water Management


Total Credit Hours: 18 Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation