Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2023-2024 Catalog

Advanced Law Enforcement (AL31) Certificate

Campus Availability and Advisement:

Program Description:

The Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate program provides Basic/Intermediate certified officers with the necessary skills, standards, and knowledge to become a more qualified, proficiency trained, ethical and competent peace officer within criminal justice careers. Successful completion of the program will qualify the student to obtain an Advanced Law Enforcement Certification through the Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training council.

Entrance Requirements:

Age: Minimum of 18 years of age.

Other: Applicant must be a certified law enforcement officer in good standing in the state of GA meeting all the requirements of certification as set forth in chapter 35 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated.

Required Courses (15 Credit Hours)

LETA 2030Advanced Traffic Law


LETA 2060Report Writing


LETA 2150Specialized Patrol Techniques


LETA 2160Advanced Firearms


LETA 2170Search Warrants and Affidavits


LETA 2180Interviews and Interrogations


LETA 2200Crime Scene Processing


Total Credit Hours: 15 Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation