Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2023-2024 Catalog

Online Classes

An online course is one delivered over the Internet using Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) through the Georgia Virtual Technical Connections. Online courses may be Synchronous or Asynchronous. Blended courses use the LMS and also meet on campus part of the time. On-Campus classes primarily meet on campus but have some components in the LMS.

  • Online Synchronous (OS)- These courses are taught fully online synchronously with course content, activities, and interactions occurring entirely online. This delivery method requires students to be online at specific dates/times during the term. Online synchronous courses may require proctored events.
  • Online Asynchronous (OA)- These courses are taught fully online asynchronously with course content, activities, and interactions occurring entirely online. This delivery method does not require students to be online at specific dates/times, and students may participate in-class activities and complete course assignments asynchronously. Online asynchronous courses may require proctored events.
  • Blended- These courses are taught on campus and online with more than half of the course content being delivered online. This delivery method requires students to be in class on specific days/times during the term and to log in to the Learning Management System to access over half of the course content.
  • On-Campus- These courses are taught primarily on campus with 50% or less of the course content delivered online. This delivery method requires students to be in class on specific days/times during the term. Students may be required to log in to the Learning Management System to access some course content. On-Campus classes are not considered distance education courses but still utilize the Blackboard LMS.

Students are issued a username and password for the Blackboard LMS, which should be kept confidential and never shared with another student or family member.

For more information about distance learning, please review the GNTC Distance Learning Manual for Students.