Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2021-2022 Catalog

BUSN 2830 Healthcare Delivery Systems

Provides students with a comprehensive overview of healthcare delivery systems and the economic, historic, political, and ethical issues that influence the accessibility, expense, and quality of healthcare services. Introduces provider organization and structure in a healthcare setting, healthcare funding, and rules, regulations, and governing bodies that monitor and protect the usage of health care systems in the United States.




(1.) BUSN 1010 only OR must have completed both of the following requirements: (A) BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090; (B) BUSN 2310 or ALHS 1010 or ALHS 1011 (2.) One of BUSN 1000 or COMP 1000 or HIMT 1151. (3.) BUSN 1440