Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2021-2022 Catalog

BUSN 2450 Healthcare Lean Six Sigma and Climate of Safety

Emphasizes essential skills required for improving profitability, improving processes, and creating a climate of safety. Introduces the knowledge and skills of process improvement, team building, project management, and conducting a root cause analysis. Topics include: quality, efficiency, barriers to change, change theory, and Lean Six Sigma.




(1.) BUSN 1010 only OR must have completed both of the following requirements: (A) BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090; (B) BUSN 2310 or ALHS 1010 or ALHS 1011 (2.) One of BUSN 1000 or COMP 1000 or HIMT 1151. (3.) BUSN 1440