Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2024-2025 Catalog

Accelerated Phlebotomy Technician (AP81) Certificate

Campus Availability and Advisement:

Program Description

The Accelerated Phlebotomy Technician program educates students to collect blood and process blood and body fluids. Phlebotomy technicians typically work in concert with clinical laboratory personnel and other healthcare providers in hospitals or other healthcare facilities. Topics covered include human anatomy, anatomical terminology, venipuncture, and clinical practice. The program can be completed in one semester; therefore, graduates are quickly prepared to enter the workforce.

Entrance Date:

Fall Semester on FCC and Spring Semester on WCC

Entrance Requirements:

Age: Minimum of 17 years of age for entrance into pre-occupational curriculum. 18 years old for entrance into occupational program curriculum.


1. Completion of GNTC application and related procedures.
2. Complete the program waiting list form and the General Health Orientation online during the last term enrolled in pre-occupational courses.  Once on the waiting list, students are admitted into the  occupational courses as space allows.
3. Once accepted into the occupational courses, attend a mandatory Phlebotomy orientation.
4. Ability to comply with health-related standards and meet minimum essential skill requirements. Documentation of the Technical Standards Assessment Form.
5. Documentation of immunization records.
6. Payment of fees for liability insurance.
7. Completion of background check and drug screen.
8. PHLT 1055 requires daytime clinical hours.

Retention Policies:

1. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or better. A “C” must be achieved in each course in order to progress to the next step in the Phlebotomy program; a cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required to enter the occupational classes for Phlebotomy.
2. Students must attain a numerical grade of 70 or better in each Phlebotomy course, including clinical rotations, to progress in the program;
3. A student must maintain professional liability insurance while enrolled in Phlebotomy courses.

Readmission Policies:
All current admission requirements must be met before applying for readmission.

Required Courses

ALHS 1011Structure and Function of the Human Body


PHLT 1030Introduction to Venipuncture


PHLT 1055Accelerated Phlebotomy Clinical Practice


Total Credit Hours: 13 Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation