Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

2023-2024 Catalog

New Student Orientation

Required New Student Face-to-Face Orientation

All new students or returning students who have not registered with GNTC within the previous 12 months are required to attend a face-to-face New Student Orientation.  Attendance at a face-to-face orientation is required before you can meet with an advisor to get your course schedule.

Students must register online to attend a face-to-face New Student Orientation.  After new students have submitted all required documents needed for admission to GNTC and have been accepted to attend the college, information about the orientations, and about how to register for an orientation session, will be provided to them via their student email account. 

If, after attending the new student face-to-face orientation, you have questions about your enrollment, visit a GNTC Help Center located on any GNTC campus for assistance.