Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

Student Handbook 2022-2023

Transient Student Approval

Transient student status is available for current Georgia Northwestern Technical College students wishing to attend another accredited institution to complete courses for transfer back to GNTC.

Transient Status Requirements:

  • Student must have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average and be in good standing. Course(s) must be required for student’s current program of study at GNTC.
  • Student must have no “holds” at GNTC.
  • Student must meet any pre-requisite or test score requirements.
  • Student must be a current student (must have attended GNTC within the past 12 months) or submit an admissions application to a Student Help Center for the current term.

Note: If the request is for transient classes on-line at another Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) institution, a student must apply through the Georgia Virtual Technical Connection (GVTC) at www.gvtc.org. Students must adhere to the deadline for transient students by the host college as they may differ from GNTC.

Current GNTC students wishing to take an on-campus course at another TCSG institution or at an accredited college or university may complete a Request for Transient Status form and submit it to the Registrar’s office on any GNTC campus. Upon approval, a transient letter will be sent to the requested institution.