Floyd County Campus Floyd County Campus

Student Handbook 2021-2022

Grading System

Each student’s progress, conduct, and attitude are continuously appraised. At the end of each semester, the achievement of each student is reported using the following system of grade assignment. See explanation of grading symbols after listing. Quality points are used in computing grade point average (GPA).

A = 90-100 Excellent (4 quality points)
B = 80-89 Good (3 quality points)
C = 70-79 Satisfactory (2 quality points - See note at the bottom of this list.)
D = 60-69 Poor (1 quality point)
F = Below 60 -Failing (0 quality point)
AC = Articulated Credit
AU = Audit Course
EXE = Credit Course Exempted (not computed)
I = Incomplete (not computed)
IP = In Progress (not computed)
TR = Credit Course Transferred (not computed)
W = Withdrew (not computed)
WF = Withdrew Failing (0 quality points) - Used through Fall 2020
Z = Unsuccessful completion due to COVID-19 emergency. (Z is excluded from attempted hours and GPA calculations) 

Note: A grade of “C” or better is required in a prerequisite course before a student can progress to the next level of instruction. A minimum average of “C” (2.0 GPA) is required for graduation.

“EXE” Credit by Examination: Upon request and approval, an exemption test may be administered to a student to determine if the student has already gained mastery of the course competencies (See Credit by Examination under Academic Information found in the college catalog). If the student achieves satisfactory performance on the exam, a grade of “EXE” will be recorded. The “EXE” grade carries no grade points, but credit hours will be given identical to the number of credit hours normally assigned to that course at the college.

“AU” Audit: “AU” indicates the course was taken for no credit. By auditing a course, the student is allowed to attend class without meeting admission requirements and does not receive a grade or credit. Students who audit courses must pay regular tuition, admission, and registration fees. Students are not allowed to change from audit to credit status or from credit to audit status once the term has begun.

“AC” Articulated Credit: “AC” indicates course credit awarded for selected high school classes that meet the Advanced Technical College Credit criteria based on agreement with a high school.

“I” Incomplete: An incomplete grade indicates the student who is performing satisfactory work is unable to meet full course requirements for nonacademic reasons, circumstances beyond the control of the student or instructor. An “I” is recorded until the final grade is established. The incomplete is assigned only after the student has made arrangements with the instructor for fulfilling the course requirements. An “I” must be resolved by the end of the third week of the subsequent semester, or the incomplete grade will automatically become an “F.” If a grade of “I” is received in any course that is a prerequisite to other courses, then the student must complete the required prerequisite and receive a satisfactory final grade to be eligible to enroll in the next level course.

“IP” In Progress: “IP” indicates that a final grade could not be posted because the course was not scheduled to be completed at the end of the term. An “IP” grade will remain on the student’s record until the instructor completes a change of grade form.

“TR” Transfer Credit: “TR” indicates that the student has successfully completed the course at another postsecondary institution. A grade of “TR” carries no quality points. The student will, however, receive comparable credit hours at the college for the credit hours received at the former institution.

“W” Withdrawal: “W” indicates that a student was permitted to withdraw from a course without academic penalty. Withdrawal without penalty will not be permitted past the deadline posted on the academic calendar.

“*” Learning Support Class: A letter grade followed by an asterisk (*) indicates a learning support course. This grade will not be calculated in the Academic GPA, but will be calculated in the student’s financial aid GPA for the Hope Scholarship program.

All F grades will have a last date of attendance recorded and must be supported with an academically related activity.

Academically related activities include, but are not limited to:

  • physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students,
  • submitting an academic assignment,
  • taking an exam, an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction,
  • attending a study group that is assigned by the school,
  • participating in an online discussion about academic matters, and
  • initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.

Academically related activities do NOT include activities where a student may be present, but not academically engaged, such as:

  • participating in student life activities,
  • logging into an online class without active participation, or
  • participating in academic counseling or advising.